Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get it wet?
Yes, it may be completely submerged in water. Swimmers can wear it clipped to their suit. Having it nearby when you shower or submerged in the bath water with you works very well for hydrating skin.
Does it need to be recharged?
No, it's alway on, never needs to be recharged, has no batteries to replace and contains no magnets. Efficacy does not diminish over time.
Your eWell should be ‘grounded’ regularly; daily is best. This is easily accomplished by running it under tap water for 10 seconds or placing it on the ground or a grounded surface for the same amount of time.
What maintenance is needed?
Grounding the eWell is important and should be done regularly; daily is best. Place it on the ground, a grounded surface or under running tap water for about 10 seconds. Keeping it clean is advised.
Your eWell Puck is grounded anytime you’re grounded, even if it’s leather covered. Here are some examples of YES it is grounded:
-if you are washing your hands while wearing your Puck
-if you are doing dishes while wearing your Puck
-if your Puck goes in your bath or shower water with you
(not recommended for leather covered)
-if your horse is getting a bath while wearing the Halter Puck, horse and Puck are both grounded
-if your horse rolls while wearing eWell Puck on halter, both horse and Puck are grounded
(Keep leather covering on Puck cleaned & conditioned with TC Saddle Buff or saddle soap as you would care for any fine leather.)
-if horse doesn’t wear halter and eWell Puck for turnout, just touch halter and Puck to ground for 10 seconds
-if eWell Puck is on dog collar and dog lies on ground or walks on dirt, both are grounded. (Will still ‘ground’ on concrete, but it is less conductive.)
-if you wear leather soled shoes or go barefoot while wearing eWell Puck, you and it are both grounded.
Can I be over-exposed?
No. it can be worn 24/7 or kept at bedside at night when not being worn.
Can I safely use with a pacemaker or heart monitor?
Yes. It will not interfere. It is benign because it is a natural wavelength.
Can I travel with the eWell Puck?
Absolutely! For either long drives or air travel, the eWell Puck will allow you to arrive at your destination more hydrated, less stiff, ready to integrate into your new surroundings and tasks. There is no issue taking it through security in airports. It should be removed and run through screening protocols with other personal essentials.
Is it a problem if the eWell Puck accidentally goes through the laundry?
Absolutely not. The unit is rugged and water does not hurt it.
Does it work through clothing?
Yes, although many people report better results with it against their skin, particularly over problem areas.
Can I wear more than one eWell Puck at a time?
Yes, certainly.This provides greater field strength.
Like batteries in series, the clips on the Pucks should all face the same direction.
What is the size of the field?
Field size is approximately 4-6 feet in all directions within line of sight. It does not penetrate through wood, metal, or any other solid surfaces.
Can I use the eWell Puck on a pet?
Absolutely, users have reported marked improvement in pet wellbeing. Clips to collar or harness or place it near where your pet spends the majority of their time.
What are the size dimensions of the eWell?
The Puck is about 2” in diameter and about ¼” thick. It fits in the palm of the hand.
The effects I’m feeling might be very subtle. How do I know it’s working?
Everyone’s body is different and responds uniquely. Wearing the eWell is an investment in your long-term health, much like eating properly and exercising regularly. While some people feel immediate effects, others wear it because they want to support overall wellness in all systems of the body. The more time you spend in the field of the eWell Puck, the more benefits there are.
Is it ok to use the eWell Puck during pregnancy?
Yes, the electromagnetic field of the eWell Puck is one that is found in nature. It is benign and poses no risks to pregnancy.
What to do if the clip gets damaged or dislodged:
Don't try to glue or repair it yourself! Send it back for a replacement.
How does it work?
A combination of materials and manufacturing processes create piezoelectricity, similar to that created by our own bodies. This energy creates zones of charge differential which drive critical cellular functions in the body. To understand more about infrared light and water, see Dr. Gerald Pollack’s work with Fourth Phase water, also known as liquid crystalline water, structured water or ordered water. By harnessing this energy, the eWell Puck offers a non-invasive and holistic solution to a wide range of health concerns.
The eWell wellness equation starts with a resonating energy field of far infrared light (FIR) that the eWell Puck emits.
Far Infrared light is known to reduce inflammation, lessen pain, and promote healing. Infrared light is part of the beneficial and essential light spectrum the sun provides particularly at sunrise and twilight, and it is also used worldwide for medical treatment applications.
Your body needs energy, which it gets from good, wholesome food, of course. But it also gets energy from natural sunlight which we should think of as an essential nutrient and energy source. The myriad benefits of the natural light spectrum on metabolic systems are not well understood and are certainly complex.
One important effect we're learning about, thanks to the work of Dr. Gerald Pollack, University of Washington, is its effect on water. We derive energy from water. This becomes obvious when we feel drained from being dehydrated. Dr. Pollack's work demonstrates that water in our body is split into separate zones of ‘charge’, positive and negative. This water takes on a liquid crystalline nature, a fourth phase, and is often referred to as structured water. It constitutes much of the water within you. Because of its charge differential, it functions as a battery, a source of significant energy, a ‘water battery’, which drives metabolic functions of all kinds. When this energy source is tapped, far infrared light recharges it.
A low ‘water battery’ level reduces cellular performance, which manifests in many forms of degrading health: fatigue, poor sleep, anxiety, reduced muscle and joint freedom, inflammation and pain.
The non native, blue light most of us experience at work, school or work out facility does not recharge our ‘water battery’ or provide the essential light we need. Blue light's essential nature is digital, whereas our body needs and responds positively to analog signals. The non native EMF from many technologies we surround ourselves with, smartphones, smart watches, computers and wifi drain or impede the body's ability to recharge the water battery. and drinking water all day doesn't solve the recharging need.
Enter the eWell, your wearable, convenient, unobtrusive, and essential light nutrient/energy provider. The technology in the eWell generates a resonating energy in the far infrared spectrum that, among other effects, charges your 'water battery', giving you and your metabolism the energy to function at a more optimal level. Its effects will manifest differently among users, as metabolic deficits will vary from person to person.
Rest assured the eWell is always working for you. It's always on, never needs to be recharged, no batteries to replace and contains no magnets. It does contain Shungite, an effective shield against non native EMF. It's rugged, lightweight, and may be completely submerged in water.
Wear it with the confidence that you're giving your body a significant tool in its efforts to heal, recover, rest, relax and move with more youthful energy towards a state of wellness.