Super-Charge Your "Water Battery"

"...we are just scratching the surface of the many physical, physiological, and cognitive benefits of the eWell Puck. "
- Coach Greg Menegus

Hydration Redefined
for Active Lifestyles

At eWell, we believe optimal hydration is the foundation of an active life. The eWell Puck is your wearable, convenient, unobtrusive, and essential hydrating device.

The technology in the eWell Puck generates a resonating energy in the far infrared spectrum that, among other effects, charges your 'water battery.'

This gives your metabolism the energy to function at a more optimal level. Its effects will manifest differently among users, as metabolic deficits will vary from person to person.

The eWell Puck is engineered to help you achieve better hydration, enhancing your performance and well-being.

"I thought all the biohacking stones were overturned, but this eWell Puck is a game changer!"

Greg Menegus Test Results with eWell Puck

Coach Greg has been a strength, conditioning, and movement specialist for over 35 years, having trained thousands of athletes, national and world championship teams and Olympians. Coach G has also designed wellness programs for fortune 500 companies, and has implemented somatic behavioral modification methods to special needs individuals.

Game Changing Wellness Hack

See Coach Greg put the eWell Puck to the test in this video.

From Innovative Saddles
to Wellness Puck

Discover the eWell Puck — a non-electronic and medicine-free tool to improve your performance. This innovative technology was developed by double Olympic gold medalist Tad Coffin from a lifetime of combined expertise in sports and wellness.

For years, horses using our saddles have benefited from eWell's technology — experiencing significant improvements in hydration, skin quality, muscle tone and recovery, joint flexibility, relaxation, digestive functioning, cardiovascular performance and lymphatic system circulation.

After ecstatic feedback from horse owners who have been experimenting placing the saddle technology in their homes, we've made the smaller eWell Puck. It's the same innovation as our saddles — and it fits in your pocket.

How eWell Helps You Hydrate

From marathon runners and pro baseball players to jujitsu masters, the eWell Puck is improving hydration and athletic performance, adding 3% - 8% increases to tangible stats. With the harder to quantify intangibles, the eWell Puck is increasing balance, range of motion, endurance, focus, and faster post workout/competition muscle recovery.

Studies with horses (who have no placebo effect) show consistently lower heart rates and faster post exercise cardiovascular recovery. 

Using the eWell Puck reduces the likelihood of common, fatigue related injuries and is being used by elite competitors and amateurs alike.

8 Ways to Wellness

Better Sleep

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Better Hydration

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Pain Relief

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Reduced Anxiety

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EMF Protection & Blue Light Blocking

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Physical Recovery

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More Energy

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Reduced Inflammation

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Elevate Your Hydration Game with the eWell Puck

At eWell, we believe optimal hydration is the foundation of an active life. The eWell Puck is engineered to help you achieve better hydration, enhancing your performance and well-being.

How it Works

The Science Behind eWell

Easy Integration into Daily Life

Better Hydration

More Energy

Stay Active, Feel Great